Christian faith has always emphasised the wholeness we find in Christ, and how in the pursuit of health and wellbeing we who are made in God’s image must hold together the needs of body and mind.
The complex organism that is the human body cannot be over – compartmentalised , and our faith in the Incarnation demands that we treat the whole body with the greatest wisdom and respect.
In recent times there has been particular emphasis in the ministry of the church on mental health, in facing up to issues which previously might have been veiled in silence and awkwardness, and in pointing people towards the care and support they need. The mind and its wellbeing truly matter to us, and across the church there has been an initiative to encourage projects of a very varied and often quite novel nature, which promote good mental health.
Our website will point you towards some of these and will emphasise the point that good pastoral care and proper emphasis on mental health go hand in hand.

For more information, see: Church of Ireland’s Mind Matters