Valentia St John Summer Concerts

On Friday 27th July at 7.30 p.m. Dr Arnold Horner will give a talk in Saint John the Baptist Church , Knightstown, Valentia Island , entitled ” A GAME OF POWER , PIRATES AND PROPERTY, VALENTIA 400 YEARS AGO ” . Admission will be free , with a retiring collection for the restoration fund. For all those interested in local history , this is an event not to be missed . Ample free parking is available at Cracow Park opposite the Church.

The 5th Annual Chamber Music Festival will take place on Valentia from 16th to 18th August with two performances in St John the Baptist Church , Knightstown , the home of the festival with other performances at Glanleen House , the Ring Lyne and the Church of the Immaculate Conception for more information go to [email protected]