The Girls Friendly Society Report 2021

Mission Statement

To promote friendship and fellowship amongst girls and young women and to foster personal development in a Christian context.’

Diocesan Office Bearers:
Diocesan President: Rose Langley, Nenagh
Diocesan Secretary: Gillian Grant, Cloughjordan
Diocesan Treasurer: Diane Dagg, Birr

4 Branches: Cloughjordan, Birr, Nenagh & Roscrea

Membership: Members can join at 3 years of age and at present there are over 100 members in this Diocese.

The GFS activities cover three main areas – Bible Study, Crafts and Badge Syllabus (church, handcrafts, sports, environment, etc.).
Normally Branch meetings are held weekly but due to Covid 19 all Branches had to close as per Government guidelines. Branches quickly became familiar with zoom meetings, WhatsApp groups and organized deliveries of crafts, bible study and badge work to girls.
All leaders are volunteers and are appointed with the approval of the Rector of the Parish.
As a parish organisation GFS operates strictly within the guidelines set down within Safeguarding Trust (The Church of Ireland Code of Practice for Ministry with Children).

Highlights of 2021

Like all organizations GFS is slowly coming back to action after lockdown. The first Diocesan meeting in 2 years was held in May when new officers were elected for 2022. We have every hope that events such as the following will return as normal for 2022/3:
Diocesan Camp
All Ireland Training
Family Fun Day,
Diocesan Christmas Craft Day
Enrolment Services

We look forward to returning to our branch meetings over the coming year.

Looking for Accommodation in Dublin?
Oak House, 36 Upper Leeson St., Dublin 4. Owned and managed by GFS, with resident supervisor, designed to accommodate female students. For further information please contact the Administrator at Tel. 01-6603754 (Tue – Thurs 10am-4pm) or email: or log onto to download an application form.

Further GFS information can be received from Diocesan Office Bearers, Branch leaders, Rectors, or direct from GFS Central Office, Oak House, 36 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4.

Rose Langley
Diocesan President