In November in St. Cronan’s Church, Roscrea, led by Rev Jane Galbraith, Mothers’ Union stood in solidarity with women across the world in support of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Campaign. Our Prayer Vigil is an awareness raising initiative which highlights and calls for an end to violence against women locally, nationally and internationally. It was wonderful to see so many members attend as it was an exceptionally cold day. It was also wonderful to welcome Bishop Kenneth and Jennifer to the Prayer Vigil.
Our speaker was Ms. Miriam Duffey from Rape Crisis Mid West which is a free and confidential service for survivors for rape, sexual violence and abuse and operates in Limerick, Nenagh and Ennis.
Miriam spoke about the many aspects of the work that they do including Crisis Counselling, Long Term Counselling, Court Accompaniment, Initial Support with the Gardai and Group Support. Miriam spoke very movingly about her work: “When someone is shocked and grieving over what has happened to them the anger, loss and pain can be overwhelming. A hand to hold and someone to talk to that won’t judge but just listen is vitally important.”
In the Limerick & Killaloe Diocese our focus this year is with Adapt House, Limerick and Esker House, Athlone, women and children’s refuges. Mothers’ Union prepare care packages for families who are about to leave the refuge to set up on their own. These include Toiletries, Food, Pyjamas, and Toys and our members have been exceptionally generous in their giving once again. Also on the day of our vigil we displayed items knitted by our members which will go to Limerick Regional Maternity Hospital for premature or stillborn babies and also some knitted teddies which will support the ambulance and fire service in dealing with children experiencing a trauma.
I would like especially to thank Rev Jane Galbraith, our Diocesan Chaplain, Florence Reid and Heather Evans who put so much work into preparing the Vigil and all those who arranged a very welcome cup of tea and supper following our vigil.
Lucy Kavanagh, Diocesan President
Miriam Duffey, Rape Crisis Mid West and Jessie Griffin MU Fundraising & Communications Co ordinator swith two of the ‘Trauma Teddies’ knitted by MU members.