Excellent news has been received from our Mission Partners, CMSI, in the Diocesan of Kajiado, Kenya. Ronnie Briggs, the CMSI person on the ground at the Maasai Training Centre at Oltiasika where our own TKA Team spent some time last November has told us that the main water project tank, one of three blessed by bishop Patrick and Bishop Gaddiel during our visit, has now had it’s cover completed. This will contribute in an unimaginable way to the maintenance of clean fresh water for the whole community there.
No more wildlife fouling the water. No more black and scummy puddles festering in the bottom of the tank. No more dead frogs decomposing in the tank. No more living frogs multiplying in the water.
The promised Government financial contribution towards the capping of the second and third tanks has not come through yet, but as can be seen from Ronnie’s letter below, in Oltiasika they live in hope!
Dear Patrick
Greetings from a now very hot Kajiado. The rains have definitely gone and the place is very dry indeed across the whole diocese. I was in Oltiasika over the weekend to look at the work now completed on the water tanks. The top was successfully completed as planned and I attach some photos to let you see how it looks. The cover is still in curing mode – for a total of 3 weeks – and then the sand will be scrapped off and the final finishing carried out. It will look much better when the final few jobs are completed. But, for now we have completed the work as planned and this is a huge step for the local Oltiaska community.
There is still no real movement on the promised funds from the County Govt but we live in hope!! The problem is that when the elections were going along it was easy to make promises – now that it is all settled down it is much more difficult to make the promises a reality.
Anyway, at least together we have made some significant progress and for that we are thankful.
Please pass our greetings on to the rest of the team.
God bless.