Limerick City Parish were delighted to welcome the Rev’d Paul Fitzpatrick last Saturday as part of the ministry team. The service of welcome, which was conducted by the Bishop of Limerick & Killaloe, included representatives from the Chapter, Diocesan Team, Ecumenical Guests and parishioners of Limerick City Parish. The Dean expresses his thanks to all those involved in the preparations.
Revd. Paul said “It was a wonderful poignant service that my family and I experienced, for it bridged my past ministry within the context of a welcoming and licensing service. It launched me solidly into current ministry for Limerick City Parish as a Curate – Assistant. I am very privileged indeed. On behalf of Betty, Maebh and I, may we express our appreciation to the people and worshipping community of Limerick City Parish for their welcome, hospitality and labour. We are so grateful to Bishop Kenneth Kearon and Dean Niall Sloane, Canon Dr. Maurice Elliott (who delivered the sermon ) and so many who collaboratively assisted and prepared the service. We received wonderful feedback from all quarters regarding its depth and relevancy. I / we appreciate and acknowledge past history , former colleagues our families and friends and so many who encouraged and helped us. With the help of God and with the support of my parishioners and Dioceses I hope I may as my licensing testified .. ‘preach the Word of God, administer the Sacraments, and to perform all such other Offices therein..’ to the best of my ability. I look forward to a wonderful learning curve and opportunity and look forward to contributing to the life and times of the Parish of Limerick City.”