A Joint Quiet Day for the clergy and readers of Tuam and Limerick was held in Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Tuam on Thursday 28th March.
The day began with a celebration of the Holy Communion by Bishop Rooke assisted by the Dean of TKA, Very Revd. Alistair Grimason.
Reflections for the Quiet Day were led by The Very Revd. Michael Sadgrove, Dean Emeritus of Durham. The Dean focused his reflections on three of the Pslams: Psalm 1, ‘Happiness in Wisdom’; Psalm 77, ‘When Life Hurts’; and Psalm 8, ‘Living the Praises of God’.
Lunch was served to some 66 attendees in the Synod Hall by parishioners of the Cathedral and he day drew to a close with Bishop Kearon thanking Dean Sadgrove for his excellently contemplative addresses.