Funeral Arrangements for the Late Venerable Wayne Carney, Archdeacon of Killaloe and Rector of Birr


On Friday (14th August) next there will be an afternoon vigil in St Brendan’s Church, Birr from 2.30 p.m. Numbers of people in the church will be controlled to ensure that only a limited number will be in the church at any one time.

The funeral will take place on Saturday next (15th August) at 11.a.m. in St Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick. This will enable the live-streaming of the service which will allow Wayne’s wider family and friends to participate.

The link is (The link is always live, so you can test it at any time). Strict social distancing measures will apply in the Cathedral which will limit the numbers who can attend to about 50.

To control numbers clergy of the diocese (apart from some close friends) will be represented by the Dean of Limerick and the Dean of Killaloe.

The Dean of Killaloe, Very Revd. Rod Smyth will conduct the service. The preacher will be the Revd. Janet White Spunner. The Bishop will preside and participate in the service.

Cremation will take place at Shannon crematorium and a Memorial Service in Canada is being planned at a later date.