Mission Sunday 2017 Projects:
In partnership with USPG, the agreed projects to receive financial support were for the funding of water tanks and training in hygiene for some of the primary schools in Swaziland.
The treasurer reports that donations continue to arrive from parishes. It would be really appreciated if all outstanding donations could be returned to Edward Hardy, Boolinarrig, Birr, Co. Offaly as soon as possible please. Please note that all cheques should be made payable to ,‘Limerick & Killaloe Diocesan Board of Mission’.

It is hoped to continue with fundraising for this project in partnership with primary schools throughout the Diocese as part of schools Lenten programmes. The proposal is to link up individual schools throughout our United Diocese with schools in Swaziland. The current project for water tanks and training in hygiene looks like it’s going to be at least a two year project, but it is better to do the job properly, than not at all!

Ministry to Children:
It is hoped that a Conference will take place at Fitzgerald’s Woodlands House Hotel in Adare, Co. Limerick on Saturday 10th March from 10 am to 4.30 pm. The conference will focus on programmes , training, ideas and resources for development of Children’s Ministry in local parishes. The Diocesan Council for Mission would particularly welcome participation from all those involved in the provision of Children’s Ministry. The cost for the day is €20 which includes tea/coffee and scones on arrival and lunch. Booking is essential for this event no later than Tuesday 6th March to Edward Hardy by e-mail ([email protected]), calling or texting (087/2907553).

Mission Evenings:
It is proposed to hold the first Mission Evening for 2017 in the South Court Hotel, Limerick on Tuesday 13th. March 2018 commencing at 7.30pm with tea/coffee ( presentation to commence at 7.45 pm). This would be a combined event with our Methodist colleagues, on the topic of ‘church planting’ and the speaker will be the Rev Adrian McCartney, brother of the new rector of Clonfert Group Rev. Charles McCartney. The event is free and no booking is required.

Charity Event (s):
In order to raise funds for other Mission projects, which the DCM hopes to support, we
intend running at least one charity event in May /June 2018 centred around the river
Shannon. Hopefully this will involve members of the Youth Council and any other
young people from within the United Diocese, who want an enjoyable day of fellowship and activity, all for a good cause!

If anyone requires further information in relation to the activities of Diocesan Council for Mission please do not hesitate to contact either Canon Bob Hanna at 086 2167040 (e mail [email protected]) or David Frizelle at 087 6855251, ( [email protected]).
David Frizelle ( Hon Secretary) Canon Bob Hanna,( Communications)