As parishes get ready to elect new select vestries in Spring 2023, this is a good opportunity to invite existing and potential members of select vestries to attend Charity Trustee training to gain a better understanding of what the role involves. The presentation on charity trusteeship is run by Mrs Janet Maxwell and Mr Stuart Wilson from Church House, Dublin on the evenings of Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16th & 23rd February at 7.30p.m. The same LINK brings you into the meeting on either evening. The session takes between 40-60 minutes and there is time for questions at the end. You are warmly invited to attend either session of training. The training covers charity trustee responsibilities and will be equally useful to NI or RI trustees.
LINK General Synod is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 834 7917 2751 Passcode: 125252