Tuam Mission Group Report

Ven. Stephen McWhirter (Chair)
Mr. David Sherwood

The Mission Group met on the 2nd May 2022

David and I would like to thank Myrtle Nairn, who for many years served as secretary to our little Group. Myrtle of course now worships in the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin & Ardagh following the amalgamation of our own Diocese. As we meet we look to the form our own group takes and will be seeking guidance from both our Bishop and Council in direction. We do of course rejoice in the completion of the Imaroro Water project and are delighted to present the final report from Ronnie and Maggie Briggs in the completion of those works.

Ven. Stephen McWhirter
Chair of the Mission Group


Background to the Project:
The Imaroro community has around 500 households with about 3,000 people requiring access to CLEAN and SAFE water. Their only option was to dig in the nearby dry river bed until this project was developed.

Project Details:
There were four separate stages for the completion of this project. After carrying out a geological survey of the area a suitable drilling site was confirmed and work began.

The following is a photo summary of the progress of the work:

Drilling of a borehole:
This was completed in November 2021 and drilled up to a depth of 280m – this was more than the anticipated 250m after the initial survey.

Drilling of a borehole.jpg

Construction of a storage tank:
A 50m3 concrete built tank with reinforced steel cover was completed in March 2022.

Construction of a storage tank.jpg

Construction of water distribution systems:
A water tap system was constructed for use by the local community. This was completed in March 2022.

Construction of water distribution systems.jpg

Then a concrete water trough was completed for watering livestock – also completed in March 2022.

concrete water trough.jpg

Installation of solar pumping system:
The pump was specifically measured to suit the volume of water available from the borehole. The solar panels were installed and the whole system was commissioned for use in April 2022.

Installation of solar pumping system.jpg

Project Costs:

The total funds raised for this project came to £36,242.00. The final cost of completing the project came to £36,336.00. The small balance of £94 was covered by Water Drops.

The funds received came from a variety of sources – Donor agencies, churches and over 30 individual contributions. This was an amazing effort from everybody and we in Water Drops would like to thank you all for this very significant expression of your concern for the provision of water to remote communities by contributing in this way. Now the Imaroro community has a fully functioning water system that supplies clean and safe drinking water for their exclusive use.

To everyone who was involved in any way to help bring this project to a successful completion, we in the WATER DROPS family want to express our sincere gratitude for you kindness. We know that, as we have been blessed so too, have the people of Imaroro.

Prepared by:

Ronnie Briggs
Project Coordinator
May 2022