TKA Lent Appeal 2021



The diocese is raising money for a new project in the diocese of Kajiado in Kenya. We will
be partnering with Water Drops, and raising money for a pump house which is planned for
the new bore hole at Imaroro to provide fresh, clean water for the village and surrounding
communities. We are hoping to raise a total of just over £10,000 sterling.
The idea is that the whole of the Bible will be read over the course of Lent, starting on Ash
Wednesday and finishing on Friday 26th March. Each parish has been assigned days as

17th – 19th February – Ballisodare Group
22nd – 23rd February – Tubbercurry Group
24th – 25th February – Skreen Group
26th February – Straid Parish, Foxford
1st – 5th March – Killala and Kilmoremoy Unions
8th – 12th March – Aughaval Group
15th – 19th March – Cong and Omey Groups
22nd – 26th March – Galway Group

The idea is that each parish will be responsible for advertising their own week and will
send out a zoom invitation to any who will want to watch or take part. If anyone is
interested in reading I suggest you contact your own rector. The Bible has a total of 1,189
chapters, 929 in the Old Testament and 260 in the New Testament. So each day 33/34
chapters of the Old Testament will be read in the morning and 9/10 chapters of the New
Testament will be read in the evening. It has been suggested that the morning readings
start at 10.00am and the evening readings start at 7.00pm and that means if anyone
wishes to read along each day, perhaps as your own Lent devotion, you can.
The chapter breakdown is as follows:


Morning                                                                                                     Evening
17th February Genesis 1 – 33                                                                      Matthew 1 – 9
18th February Genesis 34 – Exodus 17                                                   Matthew 10 – 18
19th February Exodus 18 – Leviticus 10                                                 Matthew 19 – 28


Morning                                                                                                            Evening
22nd February Leviticus 11 – Numbers 16                                                        Mark 1 – 9
23rd February Numbers 17 – Deuteronomy 13                                            Mark 10 – Luke 2


Morning                                                                                                          Evening
24th February Deuteronomy 14 – Joshua 13                                             Luke 3 – Luke 12
25th February Joshua 14 – Judges 21                                                            Luke 13 – 21


Morning                                                                                                         Evening
26th February Ruth 1 – 1 Samuel 31                                                          Luke 22 – John 6

Killala & Kilmoremoy

Morning                                                                                                      Evening
1st March 2 Samuel 1 – 1 Kings 9                                                                  John 7 – 16
2nd March 1 Kings 10 – 1 Kings 20                                                          John 17 – Acts 4
3rd March 2 Kings 21 – 1 Chronicles 29                                                     Acts 5 – 13
4th March 2 Chronicles 1- 33                                                                     Acts 14 – 23
5th March 2 Chronicles 34 – Esther 7                                                Acts 24 – Romans 4

Aughaval Group

Morning                                                                                                   Evening
8th March Esther 8 – Job 30                                                                    Romans 5 – 13
9th March Job 31 – Psalm 21                                                          Romans 14 – 1 Corinthians 7
10th March Psalm 22 – Psalm 55                                                      1 Corinthians 8 – 16
11th March Psalms 56 – Psalms 88                                                     2 Corinthians 1-9
12th March Psalms 89 – 121                                                    2 Corinthians 10 – Galatians 6

Cong & Omey Groups

Morning                                                                                                Evening
15th March Psalms 122 – Proverbs                                           5 Ephesians 1 – Philippians 4
16th March Proverbs 6 – Ecclesiastes 7                                 Colossians 1 – 1 Thessalonians 5
17th March Ecclesiastes 8 – Isaiah 20                                    2 Thessalonians 1 – 1 Timothy 6
18th March Isaiah 21 – Isaiah 53                                                   2 Timothy 1 – Philemon
19th March Isaiah 54 – Jeremiah 20                                                     Hebrews 1-11

Galway Group

Morning                                                                                                Evening
22nd March Jeremiah 21 – 52                                                      Hebrews 12 – 1 Peter 3
23rd March Lamentations 1 – Ezekiel 29                                   1 Peter 4 – 1 John 5
24th March Ezekiel 30 – Hosea 2                                             2 John – Revelation 5
25th March Hosea 3 – Micah 4                                                    Revelation 6 – 14
26th March Micah 5 – Malachi 4                                                 Revelation 15 – 22

Our hope is that each chapter will garner €10 in sponsorship which will, all being well,
raise the money we need. We are looking into a method of donating to this fundraiser
online and will have this information sent to clergy before Lent starts. You can also
donate to your parishes, specifying that it is for this fundraising event, and the parishes
will pass on all donations to the diocese.
Happy reading!