A beautiful stained glass window was fitted in St John’s Castle Street on Friday the 27th October. The window was built and installed by Tom Denny, the stained glass artist , who lives in Leicester. Tom is a descendant of the Denny family who were big employers in Tralee in former times. Members of the family also served as Rectors of Tralee.
The Ecumenical service was well attended and many of our parishioners took part in the liturgy. Bishop Kenneth and Bishop Ray blessed the window. The preacher was the Very Rev David Monteith, Dean of Leicester Cathedral, a Fermanagh native and a friend of the Denny family.

Window of Reconciliation

Attending the Blessing and unveiling of the new Window of Reconciliation at St. John’s Church on Friday night, left Trevor Giles, Mary Kinch, Rhone Giles, Betty, Robert and Margaret Groves. Photo: John Cleary.

Pictured after the blessing and unveiling ceremony of the new Window of Reconciliation at St. John the Baptist Church Tralee, on Thursday night, back John Griffin Eng, Micheal î Suilleabh‡in, Tom Denny Artist, Rt. Rev. David Monteeith, Dean of Leicester (Homilist). Cllr. Norma Foley, Mayor of Tralee. Rt. Rev. Kenneth Kearon, Bishop of Limerick, Killaloe & Ardfert. Most Rev. Dr. Ray Browne, Bishop of Kerry. V. Rev. Fr. Tadhg Fitzgerald, PP St. John’s Parish, Tralee. Bill Looney Pastoral Council, and member of the cast for The Prodigal Son. Photo: John Cleary.