

September 6th – MU Holy Communion Service Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin 11.15am hosted by the Limerick & Killaloe Diocese
October 6th MU All Ireland Service of Thanksgiving, Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin 3pm. All Welcome!
October 12th/13th – Women’s Getaway Weekend, Cavan Crystal Hotel
October 20th – Diocesan Council/Trustees, Embury Close, Adare, Co. Limerick 10.30am Trustees followed by Council at 11.30am
November 3rd – All Ireland Council, Springfield Hotel, Leixlip 10.30am
November 11th – 16 Days of Activism Vigil, Richmond Terrace, Henry Street, Limerick 3pm. Speaker – Deirdre Barrett, Adapt House Women’s Refuge. All Very Welcome!!

Visit to Derry & Raphoe, our Link Diocese: Members from our Trustee Board were invited to spend a weekend at the end of July with our Link Diocese in the Raphoe part of the Diocese, and what a weekend we were treated to! We met in Donegal Town where we went on a guided tour of Donegal Castle followed by afternoon tea in The Mustard Seed, a cafe run by volunteers. That evening we were invited to the See House in Londonderry, where Mary Good, DP for Derry & Raphoe and her husband, Bishop Ken hosted a wonderful evening of dinner and music.
Saturday morning started with a visit to the beautiful Glenveigh National Park House and Gardens and then on to lunch with members from the Clondehorkey Branch. This was followed by a tour of Horn Head and then dinner in the seaside town of Dunfanaghy, followed by entertainment and a wonderful supper provided by the Convoy and Raphoe Branches.
Sunday morning we met at Raphoe Cathedral for morning coffee and a service led by Dean Arthur Barrett. We then were treated to lunch at the Deanery with our hosts and the Trustee Board of the Derry & Raphoe Diocese, after which we travelled home.
A huge “Thank You” must go to all those who made sure that we had such a wonderful weekend and to the ladies who very kindly hosted our members. Certainly, when we host the return visit we will have to up our game and show off the sights and delights of the Limerick & Killaloe Diocese!!

MARY SUMNER DAY Seventeen members from Adare, Askeaton and Limerick branches enjoyed a
very pleasant afternoon in Curraghchase Forest Park to mark Mary Sumner’s birthday on 9 th August.
We enjoyed afternoon tea and lots of chat in de Vere’s Café and then some of us ‘Followed in Mary
Sumner’s Footsteps’ with a walk in the lovely grounds whilst others took it easy in the sunshine.
Coming in the midst of the summer break members enjoy the opportunity on Mary Sumner Day to
get together and have a relaxing time.
‘Preparing for Winter’ is the title of our next branch meeting in Limerick on Monday 17 th September
when we will get some advice on keeping well during the colder months. We will meet in Richmond
Terrace at 8.00pm and, as always, everybody is welcome.

MULOA At the end of July I attended a Conference in Swanick in the UK where we built on the training that we had already received within the Diocese in our effort to Listen, Observe and Act within Mothers’ Union to understand the needs of our members and the wider community, and also to see where Mothers’ Union is going in the future and how we can be more effective. We will be bringing further training to all our branches in the New Year. “God of grace, enable your servants to carry out your mission on earth through the work of Mothers’ Union at home and overseas”.
Lucy Kavanagh DP