Ministry Resources Website

A new set of resources for clergy, readers, schools and all in ministry has gone online in the Dioceses of Limerick, Killaloe and Ardfert.

The new website, CME Limerick & Killaloe, was launched at a diocesan council meeting in Adare, Co Limerick, by the Bishop of Limerick and Killaloe, the Right Revd Kenneth Kearon.

The new website, in a blog format, is being produced by Canon Patrick Comerford of the Rathkeale and Kilnaughtin Group of Parishes, who is also Director for Education and Training in the dioceses.

The new site is at:

The first posting to go on line has a list of Harvest-themed resources for clergy and parishes The page includes readings for Harvest, suggested hymns linked to the Harvest theme and the readings, and links to Harvest resources available from the Children’s Ministry Network, USPG and Christian Aid, as well as Harvest photographs that parishes and schools can use.

Meanwhile, details of the first in a series of training days for clergy and readers in the diocese have been announced.

The Diocesan Communications Officer, the Revd Michael Cavanagh, Priest-in-Charge of the Kenmare and Dromod Union of Parishes, the Editor of Newslink, Joc Sanders, and Canon Comerford, a former journalist, are facilitating a training day in Killarney on parish communications on Monday 23 October.

The topics for discussion include working with local radio stations, newspapers and the diocesan magazine, how to use social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and websites, in your parish, and producing parish newsletters and hand-outs.

The day begins at 11, is open to all clergy and diocesan and readers in the united diocese, and ends at 3 p.m.

The planned dates and topics for further training days are:

20 November, Preparing for Advent and Christmas (Saint Mary’s Rectory, Askeaton).

22 January, Preparing for Lent and Easter.

12 February, Relating to other faiths (meeting Jews and Muslims in Limerick).

12 March, A life of prayer: personal prayer and leading intercessions.

For more information, Canon Patrick Comerford can be contacted at: