Introduction of Revd John McGinty as Priest-in-Charge of the Clonfert Union of Parishes – Clonfert, Banagher, Eyrecourt & Portumna in St Brendan’s Cathedral, Clonfert, 5th September 2024.
It was a dry autumnal evening when a large crowd entered the magnificent western doorway of the Cathedral to celebrate the arrival of Rev’d John McGinty to the Parish. He had come from Boston, after his retirement there, to open a new chapter in his ministry. He made the journey by boat, which took a week, as a gesture to his mother, who left Claremorris, Co Mayo and travelled, by boat, to the US in 1954.
The Right Rev’d Michael Burrows, Bishop of Tuam, Limerick & Killaloe welcomed everyone in his inimitable and energetic way. He then led the Service with great warmth and the Venerable John Godfrey, Archdeacon of Tuam & Killaloe, presented the new priest and later preached the Sermon, which was thoughtful and thought-provoking.
Members of the congregation and the wardens brought forward symbols of teaching, pastoral and sacramental ministry along with the key to the Cathedral, Church of Ireland Directory and water from the font. It was a very moving part of the Service as the congregation was involved in the prayers and aspirations for the new priest as he received each symbol.
The organist for the evening was Mr Ken Bracken from Banagher.
Among the clergy and Readers present were the following:
Very Revd Niall J W Sloane, Dean of Limerick
Very Rev’d Diane Matchett, Dean of Tuam
Revd Canon Jane Galbraith, Roscrea
Revd Canon Ruth Gill, (retired)
Revd Stephen Forster, Woodlawn, Methodist
Fr Raymond Sweeney, PP
Revd Arthur Minion, Birr
Revd Alistair Doyle, Galway
Revd Janet White Spunner (retired)
Revd Willa Marie Goodfellow, Tralee
Michael Mulqueen, Ordinand, Ahascragh
Rachel Kenny, Tuam
David Frizelle, Birr
Helen Keeffe, Tralee
Refreshments were served in the Cathedral afterwards and Rev’d McGinty got to speak to his new parishioners, and they all got to welcome him. Earlier Rev’d McGinty led the congregation in the Prayers of the People. It ended with a very special prayer associated with St Brendan of Clonfert. It is indeed a very appropriate prayer for a priest who had crossed the Atlantic, by boat, to continue the long tradition of worship in a place of great serenity close to the Shannon:
God of sea and land, you endowed your servant Brendan,
With a bold and adventurous spirit to occupy himself on the great waters.
And revealed to him your wonders in the deep –
Make us, who recall with thanksgiving his life and ministry,
Zealous to be pioneers and pilgrims for the faith of Christ,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Report by kind courtesy of Rita Kelly, Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise & photos by Lorna Sharpe, Limerick & Killaloe Diocesan Secretary