Ecumenical hospitality: Holy Trinity Westport temporarily relocates to St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church at their kind invitation

Sunday 2 February 2025 was an ecumenically significant and moving day for Westport Church of Ireland and Roman Catholic communities alike, when for the first time and memorably, the congregation of Holy Trinity Church of Ireland Church celebrated Holy Communion in St. Mary’s Church on the Mall. This remarkable event was, in the mind of many in Westport and beyond, the “silver lining” behind the storm cloud and ferocious winds of 24th January that caused damage and the temporary closure of Holy Trinity Church.

Commenting on the circumstances which had led up to the significant event, Revd Suzanne Cousins, Rector of Holy Trinity Church and the Aughaval Group of Parishes (United Dioceses of Tuam, Limerick and Killaloe), remarked:

“Here in the West, Storm Éowyn caused havoc and some damage to the roof of each of our five churches in this group. The greatest problem at Holy Trinity was that part of the decorated ceiling over the sanctuary, over the pulpit and close to the tower door which typically tourists and visitors use every day, came down. This necessitated the Select Vestry making the decision to close the church to the public and parish until such as time as we can certify that there is no safety risk to anyone entering the building.

It was a serious decision, carefully considered, as it is easier to close a church building than to reopen it. I confess that my heart was heavy at this thought and at the challenges the closure presents. However, the burden was lifted almost instantly by the gracious and unhesitating offer that came our way from Fr John Kenny, representing the community of St Mary’s, namely, to make use of their own beautiful church on the Mall. We accepted the offer gratefully and are delighted now to have celebrated Holy Communion there this week. We felt more than welcome; we were warmly embraced by the St Mary’s parishioners, and there was a palpable sense of joy on the day – perhaps a little foretaste of heaven!

The arrangement comes out of a place of shared faith, deep trust and ecumenical friendship built up and enjoyed over the years. There has been a lot of cooperation between the two communities, plenty of healthy interaction, shared prayer and coming and going between the two places. Indeed, just last week we held a special event for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, creatively titled ‘Ecumenical Elevenses’, and advertised with the slogan, United in Spirit. Together in Prayer.

So for the two communities to work together, meet together and enjoy Christian companionship is comfortable and even second-nature to many if not most people in our two communities. However, for our parish to be invited to make use of the consecrated space of a Roman Catholic church to celebrate according to Anglican tradition, was to see the spirit of ecumenism taken to a new level. It is humbling and truly historic for us locally, and perhaps beyond the local.

It seems more-than appropriate too that the day on which we first celebrated the Holy Communion in St Mary’s was during the St Brigid’s holiday weekend, and that we were celebrating her peaceful and powerful legacy. Sunday’s liturgy and sermon spoke of Brigid’s hospitality, generosity and courageous witness, and those same descriptors can be written over St Mary’s in their practical support of our little community.”

Asked to comment on the historic occasion and arrangements, Fr John Kenny Adm. said:

“In light of the recent storm damage that has temporarily closed the Holy Trinity Church of Ireland Westport, the Catholic Church of St. Mary’s in Westport extends a heartfelt welcome to its congregation. Recognizing the importance of community and shared faith, St. Mary’s is pleased to offer its facilities for the Holy Trinity congregation to gather for worship during this challenging time.

This gesture reflects the spirit of unity and support that defines our local community. We believe that, regardless of denomination, we are all part of a greater family bound by faith and compassion. St. Mary’s Church welcomes our friends from Holy Trinity to avail of our Church for worship.

We are united in hope for the swift recovery of Holy Trinity and look forward to worshiping alongside our neighbours at this time of need. It is a great joy be able to reciprocate the generosity shown to our congregation about twenty years ago when restoration work was taking place on the floor and foundation of St Mary’s Church.” He concluded, “That’s what good neighbours do.”


Courtesy of the Rev Suzanne Cousins

Rector of the Aughaval Group of Parishes

Giving out St Brigid’s crosses after the service

The McWilliams family. St Mary’s kindly provided the refreshments after the service

Rector with Benita Stoney, Parish Reader, 2.2.25

Warden, sacristans, priests, signing the book in St Mary’s, 2.2.25