The DCM held a Committee Meeting on16th January 2019 in the Woodlands Hotel.
There was a full agenda which ran late so it was agreed to defer the item on Mission Sunday Project for 2019 to our next committee meeting as it would need more time for discussion and allow members to investigate options available to us.
It was agreed that the 2018 Mission Sunday Project decision to support the Peter McVerry Trust was a popular choice and very well received throughout the Diocese. Note if any envelope donations are still outstanding please send immediately to our Treasurer Ed Hardy as he needs to finalise the accounts before we present the cheque to Peter McVerry on Wed 27th February 2019 in the Woodlands Hotel (see details on separate advertisement).
Rev Charles McCartney was appointed as Diocesan Representative on the General Synod Council for Mission
The final figure for our donation towards the water tank project in Swaziland has now reached €7300.00 and will be posted off to USPG by 21st January
Proposed Programme for 2019
Wednesday 27th. February, Ecumenical Mission Evening in the Woodlands Hotel, Adare at 7.45 p.m. Speaker Peter McVerry (see details in advertisement)
Wed 1st May Mission Evening at 8 p.m. in the Church Hall, Moneygall, Co Tipperary, Youth Mission Experience, some of the young people in the Diocese will tell of their ‘mission experience’ when working abroad in the past year.
Sat 25th May a one day conference entitled ’Preparing for Youth Ministry’, in the South Court Hotel, Limerick commencing at 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Refreshments and lunch will be provided. We will get the name of the speaker(s) from Ed nearer the time.
Sunday 29th September, a ‘Fun Day’ c/w barbecue, treasure hunt etc.etc. in West Limerick commencing with a Service of Holy Communion.
Wednesday 2nd October, Mission Evening, in the Woodlands Hotel Adare commencing 7.45 p.m….. presentation of Mission Sunday Project for 2019
Next meeting of the DCM committee will be on 28/th March in the Woodlands at 7.45 p.m….. to select a suitable project for Mission Sunday 2019, which is on 24th. November, Festival of Christ the King/Sunday before Advent.