On Thursday 24th August, Bishop Kenneth and Rector Canon Bob Hanna, led a service of deconsecration of the Church of St. James, Kilfieragh.
Although there is always a sadness in saying farewell to a loved building, with all the memories it carries, there was also a firm sense of Thanksgiving for the work God has done there over the years through the hard work and dedication of its ministers and congregations. This was reflected in the words of the deconsecration liturgy, which offers hope for the future and reassurance that even though buildings are impermanent, the Church remains.
Together, the people of St James ‘returned the space to the common, and the place to the earth’. and received the comfort of Bishop Kenneth proclaiming that ‘God will still be present here, for He is always everywhere present. God might still meet us and act in this space, for God can meet us and act anywhere.’
And then, before the stripping of the Altar, their commitment to the future sounded out from within the building into God’s wider creation – ‘And now we, Your people, called to fulfill Your purpose, will meet elsewhere, to continue Your work, in the power of Your presence.’
His Truth is marching on.