Dean of Killaloe the Very Revd Rod Smyth Photo Odhran Ducie, of the Nenagh Guardian
Forty- three years ago this Christmas, the then Dean of Belfast, the Very Rev’d Sammy Crooks held a sit-out for charity outside his Cathedral. To keep out the cold, he wore an Anglican black cloak. The response to his appeal was so good that the local newspaper nicknamed him ‘The Black Santa,’ because of his black cloak.
This Christmas a group of local clergy Very Rev’d Rod Smyth, Rev’d Paul Fitzpatrick, Father Des Hillery, Fr Rexon and Fr Michael, the Archdeacon of Killaloe, Rev’d Terry Mitchell and the Rev’d Stephen Foster Cloughjordan Methodist Church will hold a Black Santa sit-out for charity at the market cross Nenagh.

Dean Rod Smyth and Father Des Hillery at Tipp FM Studios
Photo © Tipp FM.
The charities being supported are CARMHA and the Nenagh Special Needs Summer Camp. Both very worthy charities. Please look out for the clergy in their trade mark black cloaks and give generously.
They will be collecting on Thursday 17th December 2pm-5pm, Friday 18th December 6pm-8pm and Saturday 19th December 2pm-5pm.