The Institution of the Reverend Dr. Andrew Ison to the Ballisodare Group of Parishes took place in Saint Paul’s Church, Colooney on Thursday 6th October.
A packed congregation was led in worship by the Rural Dean, Revd Stephen McWhirter, who had been in charge of the parish during the year long vacancy.
The excellent singing was led by The Parish Choir with Mrs Sheila Bourke on the organ. A special music item was provided by the children of the choir of Saint Paul’s National School.
Lessons were read by Pearl Sherlock, Karen Hodgins with the gospel read by Revd. Stephen McWhirter.
Bishop Patrick Rooke preached the sermon, taking as his text words from 1 Samuel 3 ‘Speak Lord for your servant is listening.’ The bishop’s theme was that of generosity in service and reflected upon the parable of the Widow’s Mite which was part of the appointed gospel.
Archdeacon Alan Synnott presented the new incumbent to the bishop for institution and representatives of parish, diocese, ecumenical partners and the local community all played a part in the service.
Supper was provided in the Teeling Centre after the service when presentations were made to those who had ministered in the parish during the vacancy and welcome gifts were presented to the new rector’s wife, Julie and to their daughters Emma and Claire.