The United Diocese of Limerick & Killaloe Diocesan Service for Primary Schools
The Diocesan Schools’ Service was held in Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick on Wednesday 26th September at 11.00 a.m. and was extremely well attended by over 300 pupils and teachers from schools throughout the United Diocese.
The theme of the service was “You are the Light of the World” and in the sermon given by The Rev’d Canon Peter Campion, Chaplain to The Kings’ Hospital School, Dublin, we were reminded to think about the value and importance of being lights in the world and showing others the good that we do.
The theme of the service was further reflected in the readings, prayers, music and songs recited and performed by the children. Pupils from all 11 schools participated in the service and the preparation and time given by the teachers and pupils alike in rehearsing for the service is greatly appreciated by the committee.
During the service a collection was taken up in aid of Barnardo’s amounting to over €400.
Following the service and lunch, the pupils had an opportunity to explore the Cathedral in detail.
The committee would like to extend its thanks to everyone who participated in making the service a success. A special thanks goes to Mr Peter Barley who provided the musical accompaniment, and to the Cathedral staff who assisted in the running of the service.
Thanks are due to the Organising Committee, the Principals, teachers and most of all the children for their enthusiastic participation in the service.