The Very Revd Alistair Grimason, Dean of TKA, was intstituted to the Grouped Parishes Omey ( Clifden, Moyard, Roundstone and Errislannan ) in Christ Church Clifden on Friday 8th October. Omey Group is part of a new Cure which includes Tuam Group ( Tuam, Cong and Aasleagh ) which was established in 2020 and is known as Tuam and Omey Group of Parishes.
Bishop Patrick Rooke presided at the Service of Institutuion and also preached. Archdeacon Stephen McWhirter presented the Dean and acted as Registar on the night. The Ministry of the Word was read by Rod Teck, Francis Hill-Thorburgh, Debbie Watkins and Fr James Ronayne of Clifden Roman Catholic Parish. The organist was Alannagh Robins. Representatives from all the churches in the Group were involved in the various charges at the door, the font, the pulpit, the lectern and the altar.
Refreshments were served after the service when a presentation was made to Bishop Rooke by Charlie Bourke to mark the Bishop’s upcoming retirement.