On Sunday 13th September in St Michael’s Church, Ballina, Bishop Patrick Rooke admitted two candidates to the Office of Deacon; Revd Caroline Morrow and Revd Clive Moore.
Because of Covid restrictions, this was an ordination like none before. The congregation was limited to 50 people which meant that only a handful of family, friends, parishioners and diocesan clergy and readers were able to join Clive and Caroline for this most significant occasion in both their lives and the lives of their parishes and the diocese. Similarly, all the hymns were listened to and not sung and communion was in one type only with social distancing being observed throughout. A very strange, yet at the same time joyous experience entirely.
The Old Testament Lesson was read by the Diocesan Director of Ordinands, Revd Canon Jen McWhirter, the Epistle by Rev Caroline Morrow and the Gospel by Revd Clive Moore. The preacher was Very Revd Lynda Peilow, Rector of Galway and Kilcummin. Archdeacon Stephen McWhirter led the Litany and the newly ordained were each vested with their stole by the Archdeacon and Dean Alistair Grimason.
Because of Covid restrictions, visitors from both community and other denominations were not able to attend. None the less, we were delighted to have Bishop John Fleming of the Catholic Diocese of Killala with us who represented our eccumenical partners.
Revd Caroline will serve in the Parish of Killanley and Revd Clive will serve in the parishes of Crossmolina and Ballycastle.