Written by Steve Brickenden, TKA Youth Officer
How do we do it!!! Another dry day for everyone taking the trip up Croagh Patrick.
We all met at 10.30 a.m. in the car park with the sun coming out and sticks at the ready. It is quite a climb but the Confirmation kids accompanied by our scout Mark took the lead and never looked back. I, however, took the steady option and along with Andreas and his daughter Hannah we climbed and talked and climbed our way up. Our plan was for everyone to meet at the ridge, but when the summit is in view and excitement draws in, one can’t help but lead on to reach the top.
This is a breath taking mountain with views to equal any in the world and when you see the group photo on top of Croagh Patrick you understand the accomplishment and need to reach the top!!! Following our climb Steve Grasham from CIYD gave a talk on stones cairns, reflecting on markers that walkers need to follow as they climb the mountain. Everyone was given a stone to take with them as a marker for their Confirmation Day in their journey of faith. Jen led a small service at the end and Bishop Patrick prayed for everyone there. Many thanks to all who took part and to Helen Shanley and Pip Murphy for the yummy sandwiches.