Frances Hill-Thornburgh – Christ Church, Clifden shares her thoughts on becoming a Diocesan Reader.
Saturday 7 th October is nearly here – a day I had at times thought might never happen!
An end to a chapter on my faith journey but the beginning of a new one.
The year plus of study was at times very rewarding and at times very challenging so I do feel a great
sense of achievement and Saturday will be very special as I receive my blue scarf.
I owe my grateful thanks to many people I met along the journey, impossible to name you all but
you know who you are. However, to my husband, Brian, a constant support and uncomplaining as
our lives for a whole year were dictated by my study, I owe a huge debt of gratitude and to my
fellow students on the course. What a wonderful bunch; supportive, friendly, empathetic and funny.
Without you, at times, I might have given up. You are all a huge asset to the church communities to
which you belong.
Finally, to my friend , John Gawley, who is also being commissioned on Saturday later in the
evening, I wish you a wonderful day. I know your family is so proud of you. I pray for God’s blessing
on your commissioning and on mine and indeed on all of us who laboured together in the Class of
Frances Thornburgh
Frances spoke with our DCO, Stephen Fletcher in January, you can listen to the podcast here:-
She will be commissioned as a Diocesan Reader on Saturday, 7th October, 2023 in Christ Church, Clifden at 3pm. All are welcome to attend.